Thursday, July 13, 2006

This Is What Democracy Looks Like

With the recent Mexican presidential election looking entirely too much like Florida ’00 and Ohio ’04, the shit has really begun to hit the fan. Like Florida and Ohio, there has been plenty of evidence of nefarious goings-on but unlike the US citizenry’s mostly limp responses, the Mexican public is poised to halt the process and demand a thorough investigation of both the election results and the multitude of fraud allegations.

While it may seem that Mexico’s a world away, it’s important to note that their young democracy is indeed modeled after our own—except Mexico's citizens seem to have a better grasp on what it means to live in a democracy than many in the US. In any event, there’s nothing like having a mirror around to see how good or bad you look.

Thusly, here’s Al Giordano’s three part series documenting the ongoing battle by Mexico’s citizenry and Left-leaning politicos to halt the coronation process and go over the voting results very, very carefully. (A shocking idea, I know.)

There’s plenty of background in these articles for those who, like me, haven’t kept too abreast of the players. There’s also a focus on individual accounts that help to illustrate the concerted effort to rig the election. It’s all a bit of a meaty read, and it gets a little depressing and a little too familiar. But because of the refusal of the Mexican left to simply accept the corrupt results—the refusal to just lie down and die—the story ultimately becomes an exciting inspiration. Read ‘em while they’re hot:

Part 1: In Mexico, 2.5 Million Missing Votes Reappear: López Obrador Reduces Calderón’s Official Margin to 0.6 percent IFE’s Claim that 98.5 Percent of Votes Had Been Counted Was False: Authorities Now Oppose Recount

Part 2: A Full Recount Would Show that López Obrador Won Mexico’s Presidency by More than One Million Votes - The Tip of the Iceberg of the Crimes Committed by Mexican Electoral Authorities Is the Fraudulent Vote Count of 2006

Part 3: Death by Video: Mexico’s Election Fraud Is Coming Undone - Video and Audio Evidence, an Outraged Citizenry, and Panic from the White House Are Converging to Make López Obrador the Next Mexican President

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